Double2win episode — Innovation #5: Multi-chain Native Design

3 min readAug 18, 2023


Different from DeFi 1.0 projects, such as Uniswap or Compound, Double started in a multi-chain world. This multi-chain landscape forces a golden opportunity onto Double, and many other DeFi‼️ projects, to reason from first principles and design a DeFi protocol from the ground up for the multi-chain world; of course, as a competitive advantage! This concept is called Multi-chain Native Design! Double is the very first multi-chain natively designed DeFi protocol.

First of all, it should be crystal clear that most crypto products are not and should not be multi-chain products. For example, games or social products have little need to be on multiple chains; and actually being on multiple chains will fragment their user bases and create unnecessary friction. Multi-chain has a strong narrative in the market right now, but projects shouldn’t become multi-chain for the sake of the narrative.

A few product categories should be multi-chain products; and being multi-chain can actually add additional value to their users. These products tend to be primitive-like products and to all L1/L2 chains, they are critical infrastructure products. A good example is the AMM/DEX. Can you imagine a L1/L2 chain that can survive as a chain without an AMM/DEX?!

As an AMM LP-side only DeFi primitive, Double is and should be a multi-chain product. No matter which chain they are on, most token projects face liquidity challenges. Hence only by being multi-chain, Double will be able to help all tokens projects, and solve a major pain-point of any L1/L2 chain. In addition, by being multi-chain, Double will enable capital providers to deploy their capital and earn yield from multiple chains. Double is 100% committed to multi-chain and its long-term vision is to support every chain out there!

A multi-chain product should adopt Multi-Chain Native Design instead of simple deployments of the same product to multiple chains. Products and user experiences should be consistent across multiple chains. However, many other things like economics, incentives, and governance, should be designed in a way that can adapt to each chain. Obviously, each product should choose the right multi-chain native design.

Double uses two utility tokens Double Down Club (DDC), an NFT token and Double Dip Joy (DDJ), an ERC20 token. The right multi-chain native design for Double is to issue these two tokens natively on every chain instead of issuing them on 1 chain only and bridging them to other chains. This design provides a few advantages:

  • By issuing digital assets natively for each chain, Double demonstrates its commitment to the chain, which will lead to strong support from the chain ecosystem and community.
  • Each chain has its own local economy that is unique and different from local economies of other chains. By separating DDC and DDJ into each chain, monetary policy governing each local economy can be fine-tuned without impacting local economies on other chains.
  • Each chain has its own community, culture, and governance that is also unique and different from those of other chains. Hence Double needs to adapt and fit into the environment of each chain to thrive. Issuing natively per chain based digital asset will position Double to achieve this.

The crypto landscape has been moving towards a multi-chain world. Although many earlier crypto products were designed without considering multi-chain deployments, products started in a multi-chain world should adopt a Multi-chain Native Design principle to deliver values to their users and to become successful in a multi-chain world.




Written by Double

Essential Liquidity Infra for L1, ETH L2 & BTC L2 - solve liquidity challenges for token projects & attract massive capital into blockchain & AMM ecosystems.

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